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  • elrosa6938

School Na Scam!

School Na Scam!

“School is a scam”

“Higher education is a scam”

“Masters is a Scam”

This are some of the most famous quotes you hear, say or will eventually think or say if you are below 16 years old in this our “ever-loving country”, Nigeria about our extremely poor and corrupted educational system.

I was irritated and almost forced into arguing, when I overheard two influential people talking about how “If you haven’t studied outside the country, or, studied in one of the most expensive and reputable private schools in the country, it’s like you haven’t studied at all”. I held myself back when reality hit me hard, it was the truth, it is the truth, and will continue to be the truth if we all sit back, relax, and just go with “the Flow”.

Millions of people in and below the middle-class of the social circle has or are yet to spend thousands and in some cases, millions of naira to send their kids and themselves to school in hope for a better life and future. A future that is currently unsure. Every second in our beloved country, thousands of dreams are being killed and forgotten because, and just because “The Flow” doesn’t allow it to float, so, if you can’t stay up, you stay down (sink).

But, is school really a scam? Or is our country really good at making the end-product of everything:

Good to be Bad;

Easy to be Frustrating;

Loving to be Saddening.

“University degree is not an assurance to get a job” says Nigerian President.

With due respect being accorded to you, Mr. President, we already figured that out ages before you said it. How about you tell these to the hundreds of companies and industries seeking out top-of-the-class student?

Or better still,

You can tell the “Foreign Companies” that almost every President has signed a contract with whilst, promising myriad of job slots in the country for her citizens?

Tell us Mr. President,

Were they filled-up by the foreign locals? Or,

Were they filled-up by ghosts? Or,

They were all swallowed up by the same snake?

What can I say? In fact, what do I know? I’m just a voice in the millions of voices soon to be over-shadowed by our corrupt country.

OH, my beloved country!

When are we going to rise and demand what is rightfully ours?

When do we take control of our lives? Instead of leaving it in the hands of those who do not seem to care?

But, are our leaders really to blame? (Stay Woke!)

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